This is a true story of one man’s adventure – an inward journey; a spiritual quest; an adventure into the light, love and bliss that is the original nature of us all. This is a chronical of experiences that have occurred along the way. Experiences themselves are not the answer but do mark the way like symbols painted on forest trails that can provide encouragement to those coming up the trail. It is in this spirit that this book is written.
Walker began his journey as an athiest going to high school in Oklahoma. Upon reading Timothy Leary's interview (the LSD guru of the 60s) he promptly left for southern California to experiment with this mind-altering drug. This act delivered in spades with several mind-blowing, consciousness-expanding episodes of spiritual realization. This brought about an end to atheism as the Divine had clearly been seen.
This led to reading spiritual books like Autobiography of a Yogi, Alan Watts and the Bhagavad Gita. Then two years in the Rosicrucian order until he was asked to leave (read the book) and then the I Am School followed by a 4-year stint as a staff member of the Summit Lighthouse. The latter was founded by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet who professed to be messengers of the Ascended Masters. Again he was asked to leave (read the book :-) and this was followed by ten years of diligent reading and practicing of the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj on the path of non-duality. There were several "awakenings" in this period which culminated in a strong desire to be rid of the ego.
It was at this point in 1988 that Walker met his guru Amma, the Hugging Saint or Mata Amritanandamayi. There were many transformative and mind-blowing cosmic experiences at her hands spanning a time frame of nearly 30 years to date. These profound experiences and more are all chronicled in the book Into The Mystic. Also included are the errors, corrections and mishaps that occured along the way so the reader may be forwarned and thus forearmed.
This is a delightful adventure written in a light-hearted manner and style - never stuffy or academic. It is guaranteed to entertain as well as enlighten.
A Review:
"Into the Mystic is one of the most delightful and enriching books I’ve ever read, and I heartily recommend it to anyone who has any interest in spirituality. Walker’s wonderfully human sharing is vitally compelling and entertaining, and the stories of his spiritual adventures (and misadventures) are told with beautiful honesty, humility, and a warm sense of humor. I resonated with each new chapter as if I were reading my own life story, and thoroughly enjoyed the ride! His many levels of experience provided me with valuable new inspiration for my own spiritual journey, and I’m sure the same will hold true for virtually every reader. Each new paragraph managed to touch my heart more deeply and keep a smile blossoming anew on my face. My warm thanks to Ethan Walker for this precious gift to the world!"
Ram Das Batchelder, author of Rising in Love